2345首页 » 动物百科 » 银山过树蛇

所属科目: 动物界 » 脊索动物门 » 爬行纲 » 有鳞目 » 黄颔蛇科 »

学名:Dendrelaphis ngansonensis
1) Ground color of body bronze brown, a black postocular stripe extending onto the neck; 2) pale and dark ventrolateral stripe absent; 3) anterior temporals 2; 4) a single loreal; 5) vertebral scales enlarged; 6) dorsal scale rows 15-15-11, all smooth; 7) ventrals 181–193, 8) subcaudals 135–157, paired; 9) supralabials 9 or 10, 4th to 6th or 5th to 7th touching the eye; 10) the first dorsal scale row the same color as ventrals, distinctly lighter than other dorsal scales; 11) maxillary teeth 20–25 on each side; and 12) a retracted hemipenis extending to 11–18th subcaudal scales.